
Helping Infants Establish a Lifetime of Healthy Vision

The American Optometric Association (AOA) and the The Vision Care Insititute of Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., partnered to creat InfantSEE®, a no-cost public health program developed to provide professional eye care for infants nationwide. Through InfantSEE®, participating optometrists will provide a one-time comprehensive eye assessment to infants in their first year of life, offering early detection of potential eye and vision problems at no cost regardless of income.

The InfantSEE® program:

  • Provides no-cost access to an eye-care doctor who has the instruments and resources not available to general-care doctors like pediatricians and family physicians.
  • Detects potential problems that, if undetected, may lead to learning and developmental issues later.
  • Gives new parents the peace of mind that their infant’s vision is developing properly.

Prevalence of Vision Problems and Eye Diseases That Will Develop in Children:

  •  1 in 10 children is at risk from undiagnosed vision problems.
  •  1 in 30 children will be affected by amblyopia, often referred to as lazy eye; a leading cause of vision loss in people younger than 45 years of age.
  • 1 in 25 will develop strabismus, more commonly known as crossed-eyes; a risk factor for amblyopia.
  • 1 in 33 will show significant refractive error such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism.
  • 1 in 100 will exhibit evidence of eye disease e.g. glaucoma.
  • 1 in 20,000 children have retinoblastoma (intraocular cancer) the seventh most common pediatric cancer.

To learn more about InfantSEE®, call toll-free 888-396-EYES (3937), or visit

InfantSEE® is just one of several programs strongly endorsed by the WOA as part of our "Clear Vision, Bright Future" project. To learn more, click here.

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Additional Information

View the InfantSEE® Public Service Announcement Below: